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Sunday, 22 April 2018

Another interesting find identified...

Cudoniella tenusipora. 

Mum was grovelling around on her hands and knees looking at a resupinate on the underside of a log when she came across these. They looked like little molars growing from the log. I looked through the whole of the Fungi of Switzerland: Ascomycetes but couldn't find anything that didn't have a stem like these.
The lovely Emma Williams said she found this once and very kindly took a sample to put under the scope and confirmed her thoughts. So thanks Emma!


  1. Two excellent finds Emily (and Di!), which again highlights our need to keep a record of them somewhere. Philip has mentioned the new FRDBI2 system starting, which may or may not fit together with the iRecord system. We need the iRecord system because the NBGW, (our most important patch) uses it for overall wildlife records and needs to continue to do so - there is an answer somewhere but we will have to look for it - perhaps put on the agenda for our next meeting. As a postscript, both systems are equally as good if we don't actually get around to recording anything and I'm the world's worst!.

    1. Yes I think we need another day a month that's not in the gardens, where we can look at other sites and record together.
