This Giant polypore regularly comes up every year at the parking area near Drysllwyn Castle

Suillus bovinus is very similar to S. collinitus with the brown cap and irregular spores but lacks the spotted stipe. This one was from near the Ski centre at Penclecwydd.
Some nice fungi were found at Penclacwydd, all within about 10 metres fom each other. For the rest of the walk I saw next to nothing. Wrinkled Peach Rhodotus palmatus, Chestnut Bolete(?), Unidentified Lactarius and a Naucoria sps, possibly Scury Aldercap.
At Swiss valley reservoir there was Star Fibrecap with the star-shaped spore, absolutely loads of Bitter Poisonpie, Hebeloma sinazipans (no droplet marks and strongly dextrinoid spores) as well as Chanterelle, Scaly earthball, Wood Hedgehog
Thanks Colin ---- a nice variety. The Inocybe spores are splendid.